Operation Ice Cream for Homework!

Yes! You read the title correctly, we actually had to eat ice cream for homework as part of our assignment. As we all walked into the classroom Ms. Haseltine told us that we had homework. I just stared at her with no expressions on my face. She said “Today is my dad’s birthday, so for homework tonight I want everyone to do something nice for someone else…..He used to do that all the time”. Phew, I thought I had imagined some sort of packet full of worksheets. I was so relieved that all we had to do for homework was eat ice cream. I told my mom that we had ice cream for homework and she didn’t believe me, so I had to show her Ms.Haseltine’s blog post on her blog. I actually wrote this post in December and I was looking through my drafts and I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t post it. Although, super belated birthday to Ms.Haseltine’s dad. Comment down below what your dream homework would be?

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